Friday, December 27, 2019
Capital Punishment Is The Lawful Infliction Of Punishment
Capital punishment is the lawful infliction of punishment by death that has been practiced since ancient times. It has been over 30 years since the U.S. Supreme Court reinstated the death penalty, but it still continues to be a very controversial debate among many. Now that the death penalty has been reinstated the focus is on reforming its procedures. These procedures have been narrowed down to having lists of crimes eligible for the death penalty and providing guidance to jurors. History Capital punishments origins can seen as far as the Code of Hammurabi. It was classified according to the victimââ¬â¢s and perpetratorââ¬â¢s class or group. The Code of Hammurabi had a list of 23 crimes that would warren the death penalty. It can be given for theft in temple or palace or when a runaway slave is given refuge. When European settlers came to the new world they brought the practice of capital punishment. This type of punishment was heavily influenced among the colonies. Death penalty laws varied from colony to colony. Treason, murder, rape, arson, and counterfeiting were all considered capital crimes. The death penalty was understood as something that had to be seen in order to have its maximum effect. One common way of directing the terror of capital punishment to possible criminals was to have an execution as close as possible to where the crime was committed. Capital punishment was expected to prevent prospective criminals and it prevented existing crimina ls fromShow MoreRelatedIs the he lawful infliction of death as a punishment the death penalty. Capital punishment1000 Words à |à 4 PagesIs the he lawful infliction of death as a punishment; the death penalty. Capital punishment continues to be used in several countries despite controversy over its merits and over its effectiveness as a deterrent to serious crime. A sentence of death may be carried out by one of many means, through electrocution, hanging, lethal injection, gas chamber, and firing squad. The debate as to whether capital punishment is right or not is an emotive one. Some people say it is necessary in some circumstancesRead MoreEssay on Capital Punishment863 Words à |à 4 PagesCapital Punishment Capital punishment is the lawful infliction of the death penalty, and since ancient times, it has been used to punish a large variety of offenses. The penalty of death is reserved for the most serious and detested crimes. The legal system must sentence the death penalty to capital crime offenders. Criminals convicted of murder or rape need to be executed because they are dangerous to the world and the human race. However, America seems to to always want to put people in prisonRead More Speech In Favor Capital Punishment1282 Words à |à 6 PagesSpeech In Favour Of Capital Punishment Capital Punishment is the lawful infliction of death and has been used in Britain since the 5the century. It was not until 1964 that capital punishment was abolished and this has been described by many historians as Britains worst decision in over 500 years. Along with these Historians, I also believe that our country was much better off with the death penalty as a punishment for sick and twisted people, murderers, rapists and peadophiles. Did youRead MoreCapital Punishment : The Death Penalty975 Words à |à 4 PagesACCEPTABILITY OF CAPITAL PUNISHMENT INTRODUCTION Capital punishment also known as the death penalty refers to the lawful infliction of death as a punishment. The first case of death penalty laws was first established in the Eighteenth Century B.C. Capital punishment is still used in the United States despite the controversy surrounding the law. Death penalty is done by either fastening the criminal to an electric chair, hanging or a firing squad shooting at the criminal. In Atkins v. Virginia theRead MoreArguments for Capital Punishment852 Words à |à 3 PagesCapital punishment is the death penalty .Capital Punishment is the lawful infliction of death as a punishment and since ancient times it has been used for a wide variety of offences. As real justice requires people to suffer for their wrong doing, and to suffer in a way appropriate for the crime. Each criminal should get what their crime deserves and in the ease of a murderer what their crime deserves is death. Capital punishment permanently removes the worst criminals from society and should proveRead MoreEssay on Capital Punishment in the United States 598 Words à |à 3 PagesAre serial criminals effectively being punished? Indeed much improvement must be done. The death penalty needs to be legal in every state. Capital punishment is the lawful infliction of death as a punishment and has been used in America since 1608. The death penalty has been mainly aimed at murder and rape perpetrator s. For the past two hundred years with over 15,600 executions since 1608, most executions were completed though hangings; however, beginning in the 1900s new forms of execution developedRead MoreTaking a Look at Capital Punishment1080 Words à |à 4 Pages Since 1608, legal systems have used capital punishment as justice. ââ¬Å"As of November 2014, 32 states have the death penalty. There have been a total of 1348 executions from January 1977 to the end of 2014â⬠(capitalpunishmentuk). The capital punishment only affects those who sentenced in the crime of rape or murder. The most popular death method is lethal injection. There are other options such as ââ¬Å"electrocution, hanging, shooting, and the gas chamberâ⬠(capitalpunishmentuk) but theses alternativeRead MoreEssay on Reinstating Capital Punishment in Britain912 Words à |à 4 PagesReinstating Capital Punishment in Britain Capital Punishment is the legal infliction of death as a penalty for violating criminal law. Throughout history people have been put to death for various forms of wrongdoing. Methods of execution have included such practices as crucifixion, stoning, drowning, burning at the stake, impaling, and beheading. Today capital punishment is typically accomplished by lethal gas or injection, electrocution, hanging, or shooting. The deathRead MoreThe Death Penalty Essay examples859 Words à |à 4 PagesPenalty in Americaâ⬠, capital punishment is the lawful infliction of the death penalty. The death penalty has been used since ancient times for a variety of offenses. The Bible says that death should be done to anyone who commits murder, larceny, rapes, and burglary. It appears that public debate on the death penalty has changed over the years and is still changing, but there are still some out there who are for the death penalty and will continue to believe that itââ¬â¢s a good punishment. I always hear aRead MoreThe Death Penalty Has Always Been One Of The Most Hotly1204 Words à |à 5 Pagesthere needs to be a definition of what capital punishment and the death penalty is. According to Hugo Bedau, capital punishment is the lawful infliction of the death penalty. The United States use the forms of hanging, electrocution, firing squad, lethal injection, and the gas chamber . Although, some are used much more than others. Furthermore, I am not sure why, but it seems it as if the government is being hypocritical in some ways, stating ââ¬Å"Capital punishment is allowable because after all the criminal
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Deportation And Its Effects On Social Welfare Essay
Deportation has been around for quite some time, but has only now become a controversial topic due to the high incarceration and deportation rate in the last decade. According to Tanya Maria Golash-Boza, sociology professor at UC Merced, and author of the book Deported Immigrant Policing, Disposable Labor, and Global Capitalism, Obama and his administration deport more than 1000 immigrants a day. In the year 2012 the Obama administration established, ââ¬Å"an all-time record high of more than 400,000 deporteesâ⬠(Golash-Boza). What is more surprising is the fact that in 2012 more individuals were deported then the sum of all the individuals deported before the year 1997 (Golash-Boza). Mass migration of illegal immigrants began with the end of Keynesianism and the beginning of the neoliberalism. The ramifications of Neoliberalism has not only affected the us economy, but U.S. laws that directly influences the well-being of illegal immigrants. Neoliberal reforms are, ââ¬Å"economic changes focused on opening up the economy to global markets and reducing state spending on social welfareâ⬠(Golash-Boza). The U.S. created many neoliberal reforms with South America allowing for the trade of American goods. One very well know reform would be the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). This reform eradicated tariff barriers between Mexico and the U.S. and caused mass unemployment in Mexico. The eradication of tariffs meant that Mexican farmers were unable to compete with the prices ofShow MoreRelatedImmigration Reform and Illegal Immigrants Essay1559 Words à |à 7 PagesToday in the United States, illegal immigrants has become a subject that has left many people upset and angry of the view on deportation. Unfortunately at the cost of personal relationships and attachments with friends and family. Yet in 1947,Helbert Leyman hit the topic of immigration right on the head by saying,ââ¬Å" We are a nation of immigrants . It is immigrants who brought to this land the skills of their hands and brains to make of it a beacon of opportunity and hope for all men (Messener,et alRead MoreEssay The Situation for Refugees and Immigrants in the USA1305 Words à |à 6 Pagestherefore are subject to deportation. These children live on the fringes of life, in constant fear of separation, their lives overshadowed by the knowledge that, at any given moment, their family could be ripped apart and devastated. Issuing work visas to allow their parents to live and work in this country legally will enable these children to better assimilate into mainstream American communities, emerge from poverty, reduce their reliance on our over-burdened welfare and foster care systems, andRead MoreBarack Obama s Unilateral Amnesty Program By Forbidding Department Of Homeland Security From Spending Money For Its Implementation1451 Words à |à 6 Pagesimmigration laws, improve internal enforcement, tighten border security and red uce illegal immigrants with a primary goal to protect welfare of American citizens. By introducing the bill, you will: â⬠¢ regain support from white people in Missouri and remain competitive for the Senate reelection. â⬠¢ solidify reputation as a reformer who always put American citizens welfare in the first place. â⬠¢ reduce illegal immigrants in Missouri and prevent unemployment rate from continuous increasing. II. Issues ofRead MoreImmigration Laws And Policies Are Unfair1279 Words à |à 6 Pagesstereotypes and there are further issues associated with this process of deportation than the ones that initially appear. Regardless of the common claims that are directed at immigrants, there are many statistics that support the more positive aspect of these ââ¬Å"aliens.â⬠One of the many things that cause many people to oppose immigration are that many immigrants have low living standards or are simply living off of government welfare programs. The Center for American Progress actually stated that ââ¬Å"LessRead MoreHow Immigration Effects Our Nation993 Words à |à 4 PagesHow Immigration Effects Our Nation Birds of Passage introduces an unconventional examination of relocation particle to urban mechanical social orders from immature rural territories. It contends that such movements are a proceeding with highlight of mechanical social orders and that they are created by strengths intrinsic in the way of modern economies. It clarifies why routine financial hypothesis finds such relocations so hard to grasp, and difficulties an arrangement of more established suspicionsRead MoreStress On Undocumented Students 1595 Words à |à 7 Pagestheir piece of the American Dream. Their experiences are emblematic of the struggles of millions of undocumented children and youth in America who deal daily with isolation from peers, the struggle to pursue an education, fears of detention and deportation and the trauma of separation from family and loved ones. Today there are one million children under 18 and 4.4 million under 30 undocumented young adults living in America and 11. Undocumented immigrants . Being undocumented negatively affects theRead MoreIllegal Immigrants Should Be Legal1514 Words à |à 7 Pagesbecause we have to pay for their health insurance and they might need welfare so they get all the money taken from our pay so they donââ¬â¢t have to work. They should have to speak English too, if I went to their country, no one would be taking care of me and making sure that I can find the bathroom, or feeding my kids with their moneyâ⬠(Aquino 2016). Many people believe that immigrants do not provide us with any beneficial effects to our country. This is not the case at all. At one point all of theRead MoreUndocumented Stress Essay1406 Words à |à 6 Pagestheir piece of the American Dream. Their experiences are emblematic of the struggles of millions of undocumented children and youth in America who deal daily with isolation from peers, the struggle to pursue an education, fears of detention and deportation and the trauma of separation from family and loved ones. Today there are one million children under 18 and 4.4 million under 30 undocumented young adults living in America and 11 Undocumented immigrants (American Psychological). Being undocumentedRead MoreThe Issue Of Undocumented Immigrants1394 Words à |à 6 Pageschooses to do nothing about it. To address the illegal immigration epidemic in the United States, its leaders must hold all lawbreakers accountable while compassionately and ethically addressing the issue throu gh a balanced approach of amnesty and deportation. The United States of America as a republic is defined to have a government of laws, and not of men as stated by John Adams during its founding (5). Therefore no man or group of men can exist above the law without disturbing civil cohesion andRead MoreDeferred Action For Childhood Arrival906 Words à |à 4 PagesDeferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA) was a program that was started by President Obama and his administration on June 12, 2012 however; it did not go into effect until August 15, 2012. The purpose of the program is to provide a two year temporary relief of deportation and opportunities for unlawful immigrant youth to work legally in the United States. Some requirements of this program is that the youth be under the age of 31, was in the U.S. before age 16, must be obtaining an education or
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Effectiveness of Cultural Competence Programs
Question: Discuss about the Effectiveness of Cultural Competence Programs. Answer: Introduction: Campinha-Bacote Model of Cultural Competency is a transcultural model of nursing which perceives cultural competence as a continuous process in which the healthcare providers seek to effectively operate within the cultural context of the patient. The model emphasizes that a culturally-competent healthcare provider should be equipped with excellent cultural encounters, cultural skills, cultural knowledge and cultural awareness (Kirmayer, 2012). These are necessary components that can motivate the healthcare provider to effectively attend to the diverse needs of the patients. Campinha-Bacote Model of Cultural Competency acknowledges that healthcare services are always delivered in culturally-diverse settings. Meaning, the patients are people drawn from different racial, ethnic, social, cultural, geographical, and economic backgrounds. For the healthcare services to satisfy the needs f the patients, the healthcare providers should strive to be culturally-competent. Meaning, the provider should be flexible, knowledgeable and accommodative of other peoples cultural values (Kirmayer, 2012). Cultural awareness is good in a healthcare setting because it encourages consciousness of the existing diversities. A culturally-aware provider is capable of carrying out a self-evaluation to understanding everyones needs before making the necessary steps to satisfy them however diverse it might be. Campinha-Bacote Model of Cultural Competency is a good model whose application can greatly transform healthcare. First and foremost, the model can be used in encouraging the healthcare to be aware of the cultural diversities and the challenges that exist. As a matter of fact, many people have not fully-embraced diversity. There exist certain biases and prejudice that have been interfering with the quality of services provided to the patients. However, with the application of this model, the healthcare providers can have a deeper understanding of the diversities and documented challenges that need to be addressed (Almutairi, McCarthy Gardner, 2014). An informed healthcare provider can take the necessary steps to fight cases of racism, tribalism or cultural discriminations that might hinder effective delivery of healthcare services. It is for this reason that the model considers cultural awareness as a core component of culturally-competent healthcare delivery. The other benefit of Campinha-Bacote Model of Cultural Competency is that it can impart the healthcare providers with adequate knowledge to understand how to deal with clients from different cultural backgrounds. The model emphasizes the need for cultural competence. To achieve that, healthcare professionals should always strive to be tolerant. This can make the provider to acknowledge, accept and appreciate other peoples cultural values especially when attending to them (Purnell, 2016). The accommodation of the clients cultural values can be an invaluable asset in healthcare delivery. Once the services are tailored to suit the cultural diversities of the patient, it can be easily accepted and supported because it is responsive to the needs. Such an approach has been successfully applied in encouraging the superstitious minority indigenous communities to embrace modern healthcare in different parts of the globe such as Australia (Brown, et al., 2015). Campinha-Bacote Model of Cultural Competency can also be applied to improve the quality of healthcare services rendered to the public. Since the model encourages the healthcare providers to directly engage patients from other cultural backgrounds and cohesively operate with fewer constraints. A culturally-skilled healthcare provider cannot find it challenging to engage the patients in a face-to-face interaction whenever necessary. Direct patient-healthcare provider interaction is good because it not only gives the provider an opportunity to understand the patient, but also enables them to look for better ways to modify the existing beliefs in order to make them much better and responsive to the changing trends (Renzaho, et al., 2013). The modification of cultural values should be encouraged because it can help in eliminating obsolete traditions and replacing them with more responsive ones. Based on these facts, it is no doubt that Campinha-Bacote Model of Cultural Competency will still be used in the healthcare sector many years to come. The model has a future because it will continue imparting culturally-competent knowledge to the healthcare providers. Its continued application will help in equipping the healthcare providers with knowledge to understand cultural diversities, embrace diverse groups and accommodate them whenever providing healthcare services (Truong, Paradies Priest, 2014). By cordially-relating with people from diverse cultural backgrounds, the healthcare provider cannot find it difficult to deliver satisfactory services as well as appeal to the clients to consider making the necessary changes aimed at improving the quality of healthcare services provided. Multicultural approach is the best strategy to apply by the healthcare providers because of the plural nature of the society. However, this cannot be achieved unless the healthcare providers are cul turally-competent and equipped with appropriate cultural awareness, encounter, skills, and knowledge. References Almutairi, A.F., McCarthy, A. Gardner, G.E. (2014). Understanding Cultural Competence in a Multicultural Nursing Workforce Registered Nurses Experience in Saudi Arabia. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, p.1043659614523992. Brown, A., et al. (2015). A strategy for translating evidence into policy and practice to close the gap-developing essential service standards for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cardiovascular care. Heart, Lung and Circulation, 24(2), pp.119-125. Kirmayer, L. (2012). Rethinking cultural competence. Transcultural Psychiatry, 49(2), 149. Purnell, L. (2016). Are We Really Measuring Cultural Competence?. Nursing science quarterly, 29(2), 124-127. Renzaho, A.M.N., et al. (2013). The effectiveness of cultural competence programs in ethnic minority patient-centered health carea systematic review of the literature. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 25(3), pp.261-269. Truong, M., Paradies, Y. Priest, N. (2014). Interventions to improve cultural competency in healthcare: a systematic review of reviews. BMC health services research, 14(1), p.1.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Real Estate Purchase Essays - Real Estate, Investment,
Real Estate Purchase Like so many things in life, when it comes to buying Real Estate, proper preparation is one of the keys to success. Don't want to find yourself in a neighborhood you don't like? Don't want to be making mortgage payments on a house in which you are uncomfortable? Don't want to waste your time falling in love with houses you can't afford? In a word, prepare! One of your most important tasks will be determining your needs. It can help to avoid either a nasty disappointment or the pain of buying more house than you need (or can afford). Distinguishing needs from wants will go a long way in preventing expensive mistakes in the house buying process. Establish some basic parameters and stick to them. When house hunting, it is easy to get swayed by the emotion of the moment--and end up with more house than will be financially comfortable. Do your mortgage investigation early. Odds are strong that you will be working with Real Estate Agents when you buy a house. Before you go on a house search, familiarize yourself with how Agents work and most importantly, who they represent. Thousands of buyers have made the huge mistake of assuming that the Agent with whom they were working represented them in the transaction, when, in reality, the Agent represented the seller. Determining Needs Want to save a lot of aggravation and possibly a great deal of money when you buy a house? Spend a few hours determining precisely what your needs are before you begin your house search. Examples of NEEDS Examples of WANTS ? Enough square footage for comfortable living ? Carpeting color, paint color, exterior color, roof color, etc. ? Enough bedrooms to accommodate your family ? Pool or Jacuzzi (unless for medical reasons) ? Adequate number of bathrooms ? Wood floors ? Eat-in kitchen ? Bay windows ? Garage or basement for storage needs ? Built-in entertainment center ? Lot size to accommodate children's play area ? Brass lighting fixtures ? Adaptation for Handicapped ? Skylights ? Proximity to a specific school ? A pretty view Gameplan If you haven't already done so, investigate your housing needs and wants to determine what types of houses you should be considering. Learn who "The Players" are in a Real Estate transaction so that you will know who is responsible for what. Get your financial picture in focus as soon as possible. Get a copy of your Credit Report to see if there are problems or disrepencies that you need to deal with. Familiarize yourself with the mortgage process. Get Pre-Qualified from a Mortgage Lender. Do this first. Your Agent will need your mortgage qualification, and it will significantly strengthen your offer when you find a home. At LendingTree, you can submit a quick application, and within 2 business days get up to 4 offers from lenders so that you can compare terms and rates. Find an Agent that you trust. It is important to do this before you go rushing off looking for homes or you may end up with no representation. See the Agent Representation section for an important discussion regarding "who represents whom." When you find an acceptable house, write a contract. Negotiate your best deal. Make a formal loan application. Arrange for home inspection. Arrange for closing agent or attorney. Make moving plans--for an innovative and money-saving approach to moving, click here. Secure final loan approval and commitment from the lending institution. Do a final walk through of the house. Final closing and settlement. Move to your new home and begin enjoying it!! "The Players" Real Estate is never bought and sold on your own The vast majority of home buyers enlist the services of a Real Estate Agent, a Lender, a Professional Home Inspector, and a Closing Attorney or Escrow Agent. Knowing what each is responsible for will help your understanding of the process and eliminate confusion as you proceed. Sellers: Familiarize yourself with seller motivations and psychology. Real Estate Agents: An Agent may or may not be your representative. an Agent will arrange to show you houses that are available through a Multiple Listing Service. Without the use of an Agent, you will be limited only to those houses that are For Sale By Owner. The Agent will coordinate the offer, negotiations and the contract of sale. Lenders: A broad term that refers to the person originating the loan to familiarize yourself with these lenders, whether they be banks, mortgage companies, or brokers. Home Inspectors: Responsible for a whole house
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